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The visual effects football league kicks off

Sofia Villajos
Mar 5, 2024
5 min read

The Visual Effects Football League (VFL) is ready to take to the pitch. The first game between ILM and Union is set for March 7, 2024 at Corams Fields pitches. It's an exciting start for this newly launched competitive league, composed of VFX professionals ready to showcase their skills.

As the proud sponsor of the league, Sohonet sits down with founder Ollie Holt to discuss its inception.

Ollie Holt, Paint and Roto artist at ILM, got the ball rolling for the VFL after starting a successful football team while at One of Us and seeing firsthand the camaraderie it built. The OOU team played ILM and the spark for a full league was lit.

“Being on a team helps encourage coming into the office and promotes making new connections within your studios with people in departments you may never have come across otherwise,” notes Holt.

The VFL took form as colleagues reached out to peers across the industry. The League launches its inaugural season with teams from 10 studios including: ILM, One of Us, Electric Theatre Collective, Cinesite, Framestore, Milk, Jellyfish Pictures, Black Kite, DNEG, and Union VFX.

Holt added, “My hope for the future is to grow the league to one with multiple divisions of teams. It would be great to create a VFA Cup, with a wink to the FA Cup but really for its own sake. It’s all about a knockout football atmosphere.” Planning for this year, he notes, “We are putting together plans for a Euros-style summer competition which would raise money for charity. With the buy-in we've seen for VFL, I think it’s going to be a blast.”

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