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IBC 2024
Remote Collaboration

IBC 2024 Preview: What’s New and What’s Coming with Sohonet

Olivia Broadley
Sep 10, 2024
5 min read

Created 'by the industry, for the industry' during the summer of love in 1967, the same year The Beatles released their iconic Sgt. Pepper's album, it's amazing that IBC has been a key date in our industry's calendar for 57 years.

The show has seen our industry grow and change and change again, and it's wild to think that this IBC marks twenty-eight years since Sohonet started. We've grown from a networking startup to providing multi Emmy award-winning tools to thousands of storytellers worldwide. We've built a fantastic ecosystem of tools, integrations, services, and partnerships, and are committed to making collaboration as seamless as possible.

While it’s always great to attend this show (see old old friends, new technology, enjoy Amsterdam), we think this year’s going to be extra special. We can’t wait to show you what we’ve been working on.

If you watched our CEO’s recent interview with Post Perspective at SIGGRAPH you're already familiar with some of the new features we’re introducing. For those who haven’t, here’s a quick update on how we’re enhancing our tools to better support your workflows and collaboration needs.

ClearView Flex: Boosting Collaboration for Editorial Teams

We’re excited to showcase the enhanced version of ClearView Flex which introduces a suite of features designed to elevate how teams collaborate, starting with editorial. At IBC, you'll get a firsthand look at:

- Choose from tailored collaboration sessions to meet specific workflow needs, offering greater flexibility and control.

- Integrated Video Conferencing in Editorial Review Sessions: Seamlessly connects remote and in-house teams, bridging communication gaps for smoother collaboration.

- Improved NDI Audio Compatibility: Improves integration with Avid Media Composer, ensuring accuracy for remote reviewers.

Want to learn more about how ClearView Flex can boost your editorial collaboration? Speak to our team for a personalised walkthrough.

ClearView Rush: Ready to Revolutionise Your Dailies Workflow

Get ready to see ClearView Rush in action at IBC! Our highly anticipated dailies review platform will transform how studios and production companies handle their dailies review process. We’re excited to showcase:

- Content Aware Timeline Review: A player that does more that ‘stream quicktimes’, it provides intuitive metadata driven navigation and better integration with production workflows so Studio teams are speaking the same language as Production

- Review Workflow Management: A comprehensive solution for overseeing and automating every stage of studio dailies review from the lab through all your studio teams.

- Integrated Delivery: Streamlines the posting of dailies and ensures a connected workflow through direct lab integration with Light Iron’s Galixy platform 

- ClearView Rush is set to enter a limited beta in Q4, with a wider rollout planned for Q1 2025.

Curious to see how ClearView Rush can transform your dailies review process? Book a demo and our team can walk you through the platform

FileRunner: Even Faster Transfers and More Customisation

Our file transfer app, FileRunner, continues to optimise media transfer workflows with its latest performance enhancements. Key improvements include:

- Accelerated Downloads and Automatic De-Tarring: Speeds up the delivery process and reduces management time for large files, making it easier to handle media efficiently.

- Enhanced Uploading Performance: Ensures smooth and rapid transfer of even the largest files, streamlining the entire upload process.

- (Preview) Customisable Transfer Experience: Offers branded projects for a personalised touch and automated email notifications to keep teams informed of transfer statuses —get a first look at these upcoming features.

Interested in optimising your media transfers with FileRunner? Arrange a demo or free trial to see it in action.

Core: Fresh Look and Smarter Search

We're revamping our production asset management platform, Core with exciting new features that are currently in development, including:

- Redesigned UI for iPad and AppleTV: Delivers a more intuitive and user-friendly experience, making it easier to navigate and manage assets.

- Advanced Visual Search Features: Enhances search capabilities by allowing users to locate visually similar media quickly and accurately.

- Automated Metadata and AI Tagging: Revolutionises media search technology with automated tagging, improving efficiency while adhering to strict IP guidelines.

Talk to our experts to see how Core can enhance your asset management.

Visit us at IBC

The best part of attending these shows is catching up with old friends and making new ones! Sohonet was built by and for this community, and all our products are shaped by the feedback we receive. We can't wait to hear about your workflows, feature requests, and feedback - it's what drives us to continually improve and innovate. 

We’ll have a big team at our booth Hall 5 Stand: 5.H29 if you want to drop by or you can book a meeting here. 

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